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The results of the prevalence study led by the University of Tartu show that the number of people with coronavirus infection has surged compared to December. Most of the infected persons have no symptoms, however, and carry the virus unknowingly. The percentage of adults with antibodies is increasing slowly, having risen only by 1 per cent over the last month.
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The Digital Cleanup Week takes place at the university this week and all members of the university are invited to declutter their personal or their unit’s digital life to move in small but effective steps towards a greener university.
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The Rector’s Office of the University of Tartu has decided that the university continues face-to-face teaching in spring semester 2021/22. To be able to meet in classrooms and avoid major viral outbreaks, it is still important to get vaccinated, stay home when ill and postpone large events.

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The research news section gives regular hints about interesting studies in various fields of research.

Social sciences

Women tend to overeat after negative emotions, men after positive ones

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At the University of Tartu, in the research laboratory of the Department of Hematology and Oncology, new drug candidates were identified that could prove effective against the aggressive tumour, glioblastoma.

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You are welcome to join with BSMI virtual seminar „Pharmacology of GLP-1 receptor agonists- more potential targets than expected?” held by Dr. Ingrid Reppo from Department of Internal Medicine, Institute of Clinical Medicine.


The seminar will take place at 14:00 on Wednesday, January 12 and can be followed via this Zoom link.

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This year’s first stage of the study on the prevalence of coronavirus in Estonia led by the University of Tartu starts today. The study stage is conducted until 24 January and assesses the prevalence of the coronavirus and its antibodies in the adult population. Among other things, it will give a more precise overview of the prevalence of the Omicron strain.
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The University of Tartu invites international students interested in international bachelor’s and master’s studies to submit their applications in DreamApply. Applicants can use a brand new curriculum search system.
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Today, 11 January, the university’s new website was launched. The web pages of most academic units also got a new look. 
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The Government of Estonia approved the new composition of the council of the University of Tartu for five years.
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In 2022, teaching and studies continue according to the principles agreed upon at the beginning of the academic year.

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At the meeting on 7 December, the council of the Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine elected Professor of Human Physiology Eero Vasar as the head of the institute.

The head of the institute is elected for three years. The term of office will end on 31 December 2024.

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Tartu Ülikooli peahoone

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The research news section gives regular hints about interesting studies in various fields of research.

Social Sciences

What is the value system like in early childhood? 

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The research news section gives regular hints about interesting studies in various fields of research.

Social Sciences

Determining one’s own working hours does not increase general flexibility in employment relationships

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According to a study recently published by University of Tartu researchers, the prevalence of chronic conditions and multimorbidity in Estonia is relatively high. The most frequent chronic condition is hypertension.

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Prenatal screening for chromosomal disorders gains a significant improvement this week as the DNA analysis technology developed by scientists from the University of Tartu makes the Niptify test more accurate and up to date.

Previously, the Niptify test applied DNA analysis technology transferred and adapted from the Leuven laboratory in Belgium, now the test is entirely based on genetic engineering and informatics solutions developed by Estonian scientists.

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At its meeting on Tuesday, 2 November, the University of Tartu Rector’s Office decided that block mode study will be organised in distance learning until the end of December.  

The reason for the decision is the critical situation in Estonian hospitals due to the spread of COVID-19. As block-mode students come together from all over Estonia and usually do not permanently live in the place of study, it increases the risk of spreading the virus. 

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The university aims to keep studies open as long as possible, which is why stronger safety measures are imposed.

Safe distancing should be maintained between people during classes, in public rooms and all, including those who are vaccinated, must wear masks in the university buildings. Only protective masks, not scarves or visors, may be used to cover the nose and mouth.

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A study led by the University of Tartu shows that the prevalence of coronavirus among adults has increased at a moderate rate. Over the past month, the prevalence of coronavirus antibodies has remained unchanged. However, the number of people who have been in close contact with the infected has increased, and there are more and more people who do not change their everyday behaviour after close contact.

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