#governance #news
Peremeditsiini ja rahvatervishoiu instituudi nõukogu valis 10. detsembri koosolekul uuesti instituudi juhatajaks epidemioloogia teadur Kaja-Triin Laisaare.
#recognition  #UT in media
The National Research Awards Committee has approved the following researchers from the University of Tartu as nominees for this year’s research awards.
#international #news
On 15 January, the President of Maldives Mohamed Muizzu visited the University of Tartu and met Rector Toomas Asser.
#studies #teaching #news
At the conference “Teaching for Learning 2025: Journey Towards Valued Teaching”, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Aune Valk presented the 2024 teaching awards and the teaching quality award.

Admissions and studies

10 questions with an international student

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The National Centre of Translational and Clinical Research

The Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine

Centre of Excellence for Genomics and Translational Medicine

Tartu University Hospital

Tartu University Hospital is the reference institution for the studies, development and research work of Tartu University

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