
Our research groups are engaged in research on nervous and mental diseases, heart diseases, cancer and various infectious diseases but they are also engaged in numerous other exciting fields. Special attention is given to research in translational medicine where research groups have gathered to centres of excellence for translational medicine.

Research activities in the Faculty of Medicine are organised into the eight focus areas, which include more than 30 medical and sports science specialities.

UT medical researchers are acknowledged leaders in their field thanks to them UT is among the 1% of the world’s most influential research institutions in the field of clinical medicine and molecular biology and genetics.



Lead research areas:

  • psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders (disease models, molecular genetics, and clinical aspects of psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders);
  • immune-inflammatory disorders (disease models, immunopathogenesis, molecular genetics, and clinical aspects of diabetes, atherosclerosis, chronic inflammatory epithelial diseases);
  • infections (neonates and paediatric infectious diseases, infections in immunocompromised persons, pharmacokinetics and –dynamics of antibiotics);
  • infertility;
  • risk-taking health related behaviours; environmental and occupational health risks, health technology assessment;
  • the impact of movement on a person throughout their lives;
  • social, clinical, and physical pharmacy;
  • oral health.
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