4. aprillil 2025 kell 12.00 kaitseb Meruert Sarsenova oma doktoritööd „Molecular and cellular landscape of endometriosis” („Endometrioosi rakuline profiil ja molekulaarsed mehhanismid”).
Ajakirjas The Lancet HIV avaldatud rahvusvaheline uuring toob esile teadmiste lüngad HPV-ga seotud vähi ennetuses HIV-iga elavate inimeste seas ning määratleb vajalikud uurimissuunad tulevikuks.
On May 16th Kirkke Reisberg will defend her thesis "Longitudinal associations between body fatness, physical fitness, physical activity, and cognitive skills in preschoolers".
This is the largest genome-wide association study meta-analysis of its kind, analysing data on 42 female reproductive health diagnoses from the Estonian Biobank and FinnGen.
The Estonian Doctoral School has received a lot of good feedback after its first year of activity from partner universities, doctoral students and supervisors.