Doctoral defence Kadri Kõivumägi "Acute gastroenteritis hospitalizations in Estonia after implementation of universal mass vaccination against rotavirus"
European Research Council has awarded a Consolidator Grant to Laur Kanger, Associate Professor of Technology Research at the University of Tartu, to investigate why future technologies can aggravate environmental problems rather than solve them.
27 countries join forces to establish a unique pan-European reference database comprising of a minimum of 100,000 genomes representative of European citizens.
6. detsembril 2024 kell 12.00 kaitseb Leho Rips doktoritööd “The influence of vitamin D on the physical performance of conscripts in the Estonian Defence Forces” (“D-vitamiini mõju füüsilisele võimekusele Eesti Kaitseväe ajateenjatel”).
The analytics company Clarivate revealed its 2024 list of Highly Cited Researchers, which includes five scientists from the University of Tartu. A total of six representatives of Estonian research institutions made it to the list of 6,886 influential researchers.
3. detsembril 2024 kell 14.00 kaitseb Allan Tobi kaitseb oma doktoritööd „Development of Smart Nanoparticles for Experimental Treatment of Cancer“ („Tarkade nanoosakeste väljatöötamine eksperimentaalseks vähiraviks“).