Traffic and parking information in Maarjamõisa
In cooperation with Tartu and the cycling association, the most convenient cycling route between the Maarjamõisa and Delta teaching buildings has been marked. Explore the route on
Google Maps, where you can locate city bike rental stations.
Bicycles can be left in the lockers in front of the Biomeedikum or Kliinikum. A covered bicycle parking lot is also next to the Physicum. You can get an overview of the bicycle parking lots on the virtual tour of the university by clicking on the bicycle icon on the image of the exterior of the building. Bicycles can be rented from the Tartu Smart Bike Share.
Bus stops and bus routes that are leading to the Biomeedikum:
Nooruse, buses no 2
Soinaste I, buses no 1 and 8
Soinaste II, buses no 1 and 2
Soinaste III, buss no 8
Maarjamõisa haigla, bus no 12
Maarjamõisa, bus no 2 ja 10
From the end of September, parking in front of Biomeedikum is regulated by a parking clock. You can park for free for three hours at a time through the Snabb app. Only Biomeedikum employees can park in the Biomeedikum barrier-controlled car park.
You can also park your car in paid parking lots of Kliinikum. The nearest free parking lot is a twenty-minute walk away at Lõunakeskus.
Starting from the summer, the Chemicum and Physicum parking lots are intended only for employees and students of those institutes who have been given a parking card from the respective institutes. Individuals carrying out work duties will be permitted to park.