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The Estonian Cancer Centre will be established within the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu to accelerate cancer prevention and treatment in Estonia through international cooperation. 
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From 12 June, the University of Tartu’s Study Information System (SIS) features a new student dashboard, which brings important information for learners together in one environment.
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A group of researchers from the University of Tartu and international scientists discovered new mechanisms of how stroke occurs by studying changes in mouse and human cells.
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The podcast “Tiksu to UniTartu” shares insights and tips to help future international students thrive at the University of Tartu. New episodes are release every Tuesday.
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Speakers from each field are invited to give engaging presentations in Estonian or English, outlining the importance and results of their research.
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He will give a lecture entitled "World Order After 2022" at 10:15–11:00 in the university assembly hall.
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The three-week night library begins this spring on May 20th. Organized together with the UT Student Council, the night library has been offering students the opportunity to...
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Tartu Ülikooli meditsiiniteaduste valdkonna doktoritöös arendati antimikroobseid haavakatteid, mis soodustavad haavade paranemist.
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In total, 176 students and 111 staff members of the University of Tartu registered to participate in the challenge from 1 to 30 April. During the month, they took nearly 49 million steps.
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The University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn University, the Estonian University of Life Sciences, the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, the Estonian Academy of Arts, and the Gender Equality and Equal Treatment Commissioner celebrate the Diversity Week from 6 to 12 May, under the title “Diverse Estonian universities”.
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On 16 May, the Estonian Doctoral School Career Conference will be held in Tallinn to discuss the value of doctoral studies and the career prospects of doctoral students. All Estonian doctoral students and those interested in doctoral studies are welcome to attend.
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From 8 May to 20 October, all UT employees, students, alumni and all others interested are welcome to complete the orienteering course and reconnect with the history of the UT dormitories.
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This year, the Faculty of Medicine's anniversary events will take place on October 10th and 11th. We invite all interested parties to submit abstracts for the Faculty of Medicine's anniversary research conference by May 27, 2024
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Surprisingly high fraction of infertile men presenting congenital testicular maldescent, were revealed as stated in a recent publication by researchers University of Tartu.
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University of Tartu invites applications for doctoral studies from future researchers and top professionals.
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Approximately one in seven couples face difficulties conceiving a child naturally. Half of these cases are due to male infertility – either caused by the complete absence or low number of mature sperm.
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The recent Estonian Science Barometer survey, commissioned by the Estonian Research Council, revealed that the Estonian population’s trust in science and researchers remains relatively high, exceeding 70%, similar to four years ago
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The Core Facility of Genomics at the Institute of Genomics received new PacBio HiFi RevioTM sequencers. These will soon be used to analyse the whole genomes of 10,000 gene donors to the Estonian Biobank.
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The European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) has admitted Estonia as its full member. For the University of Tartu, this means expanding its existing research, education and business collaboration opportunities.
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1. jaanuaril algas Euroopa Komisjoni projekt POINT, mille raames uuritakse Covid-19 pikaajalist tervisemõju.
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