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Faculty of Medicine nominated Professor Toomas Asser as rector candidate.
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On 11 February, the University of Tartu and the Estonian Youth Academy of Sciences (EYAS) celebrate the Day of Women in Science for the third time already.
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The “Research news” section gives regular hints about interesting studies in various fields of research.
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The results of the January wave of the University of Tartu-led coronavirus prevalence study show a significant decrease in infections and an increase in antibody prevalence.
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The purpose of the pilot project conducted in cooperation between the University of Tartu, the Clinic and the Health Development Institute is to evaluate the possibilities of detecting lung cancer.
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Teaching award of the year is creation and development of the assistant doctors' system
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Today, on 19 January, at the university's teaching conference, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Aune Valk presented the teaching awards and the teaching quality award of 2022.
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The 3D printing technology of drugs is being developed at the Institute of Pharmacy of the University of Tartu. The purpose of that is to better prevent, diagnose and treat diseases.
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The programme aims to bring together active students and successful alumni to provide an opportunity for mutually beneficial collaboration and strengthen the university's sense of community.
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Tartu Ülikooli ja Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi eestvedamisel luuakse järgmise kuue aasta jooksul Eestisse rahvusvahelisel tipptasemel personaalmeditsiini teadus- ja arenduskeskus.
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Kaks Tartu Ülikooli juhitavat rahvusvahelist teaduskonsortsiumi said kokku 60 miljonit eurot.
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The University of Tartu invites international students interested in international bachelor’s and master’s studies to submit their applications. Studies start at the beginning of September 2023.
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The study on the prevalence of coronavirus show that despite the persistently high prevalence of the coronavirus, the number of people who ignore possible risks of spreading the virus rises.
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In November, a delegation from the University of Tartu, led by the University of Tartu Asia Centre and the Estonian Embassy in Singapore, visited the higher education institutions of Singapore.
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Farmaatsia instituudis töötatakse koos proviisorite ja erialaorganisatsioonidega välja ravimite kasutamise hindamise teenust, mille eesmärgiks on nõustada viit või enamat ravimit võtvaid patsiente.
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Üliõpilaste teadustööde konkursi peapreemia sai Tartu Ülikooli meditsiiniteaduste valdkonna liikumis- ja sporditeaduste doktorant Rasmus Pind.
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The University of Tartu Centre for Sustainable Development seeks solutions for key societal issues arising from the ever-increasing conflict between the planetary boundaries and the human impact.
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The opening speech by Professor Toomas Asser, Rector of the University of Tartu.
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On 1 December, the University of Tartu celebrates the 103rd anniversary of establishing the Estonian-language university.
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The expatriate Estonian visiting professorship will be held by Annela Anger-Kraavi and Mart Kuldkepp.
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