JP Hion

Patients taking five or more medications need counseling

In the Institute of Pharmacy of the University of Tartu, together with pharmacists and organizations, a medication use assessment service is being developed, the purpose of which is to advise patients taking five or more medications. Soon, the service could also be used in general pharmacies.

Anita Tuula, PhD student in pharmacy at the University of Tartu, said that European society is characterized by rapid population aging. "Although the average life expectancy in Estonia has risen rapidly over the past decades, the healthy years lived by both women and men are almost 20 years below it. In Estonia, among people aged 75 and older, almost three quarters have at least two chronic diseases at the same time. Elderly people with several chronic diseases generally use several medications at the same time," explained Tuula.

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Doctoral defence: Marite Punapart "Effects of Valproate and Liraglutide in Rodent Models of Wolfram Syndrome: Emphasis on Transcriptomic Changes in the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System"

On 30 September Marite Punapart will defend her thesis "Effects of Valproate and Liraglutide in Rodent Models of Wolfram Syndrome: Emphasis on Transcriptomic Changes in the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System".

Doctoral defence: Katrin Tomson-Johanson "Impulsivity, serum lipids and serotonin-related functional gene variants"

Katrin Tomson-Johanson will defend her thesis "Impulsivity, serum lipids and serotonin-related functional gene variants" on 23 August 2024 at 12:00.
Tartu Ülikooli ja rahvusvaheline teadlaste rühm avastas uued mehhanismid, kuidas insult tekib. Ülesvõttel uuringu autorid Katyayani Sukhavasi, Arno Ruusalepp ja Heli Järve

New mechanisms in the development of stroke were discovered