Johan-Paul Hion

Submission of theses for the Faculty of Medicine's anniversary scientific conference

Abstract submissions will be open starting from April 22nd. You can find important information related to abstract submission below.

  • Please submit the theses in Estonian (excluding the theses of foreign guests and international groups).
  • The scientific conference warmly welcomes case studies from residents' as well. 
  • The lenght of the abstract is up to 2300 characters with spaces.
  • In points “All authors and institutions“ and the “Abstract” should be entered as marked in the guide.
  • The deadline to submit your abstract is 27.05.2024.
  • If you have problems with submitting then please contact:

Read more about the events dedicated to the anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine from here.

Submit theses

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Call for abstracts: scientific conference celebrating the anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine

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