The Estonian Doctoral School has received a lot of good feedback after its first year of activity from partner universities, doctoral students and supervisors.
A study conducted by researchers at the University of Tartu showed a nearly five-fold enrichment of hereditary cancer variants in infertile compared to fertile men.
Indrek Seire and Jaan Vihalemm ranked in top five on 19 February in the final competition of “Science in 3 Minutes” organised by the Estonian Academy of Sciences.
On March 7th Ingrid Oit-Wiscombe will defend her thesis "Genetic markers of enzymatics in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as a systemic disease and the effects of antioxidant peptides".
Led by the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Centre for Sustainable Development of the University of Tartu, a guidance material has been developed for researchers on how to conduct interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research.
On 11 February, the University of Tartu organises the Estonian Doctoral School’s second Career Conference, The Value of a Doctoral Degree in the Job Market, in the university library.