On March 13–14, all science enthusiasts are invited to Tartu Science Night, which will take place at Biomeedikum. The first evening will feature fascinating lectures, while the second offers a unique opportunity to explore the scientists' laboratories at the University of Tartu’s Faculty of Medicine.
In her lecture, Maie Toomsalu will show how Pharmacology, the science of how drugs work in the body, began right here in Tartu!
The lecture will be held in Estonian.
We invite 10th–12th grade students attending the lecture to participate in a news article competition. To enter, students must write a news-style article based on Maie Toomsalu’s lecture, "The History of Pharmacology in Tartu". The best works will be published on the Tartu Science Night website, and the authors will be awarded prizes!
What happens in the brain when a person becomes addicted? What happens when drug use is stopped? Why might people start using again? These questions will be answered in a lecture by Professor Anti Kalda (Professor of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology), as he presents his recent research on brain changes associated with drug addiction.
The lecture will be held in Estonian.
The number of seats for the lectures is limited – arrive early!
During the Science Evening, we will also conduct a survey (University of Tartu Human Research Ethics Committee protocol number: 384/T-10) to explore your knowledge, perceptions, and thoughts about science.
Department of Pharmacology
Hickey laboratory
Kaasik laboratory
Jaako laboratory
Department of Immunology
Molecular biology laboratory
Department of Microbiology
Department of Physiology