Topic: governance

Kaja-Triin Laisaar to continue as Head of Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health
Peremeditsiini ja rahvatervishoiu instituudi nõukogu valis 10. detsembri koosolekul uuesti instituudi juhatajaks epidemioloogia teadur Kaja-Triin Laisaare.
21. January 2025 governance
Pärt Peterson elected as new head of the Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine
Bio- ja siirdemeditsiini instituudi nõukogu valis 11. detsembri koosolekul instituudi uueks juhatajaks molekulaarimmunoloogia professor Pärt Petersoni.
09. January 2025 governance
Renar Kihho: I admire people who want the world to be a better place for everyone
From an early age, Renar Kihho, a medical student who has actively contributed to community life, now leads the University of Tartu Student Union and defends the interests of students. He admits he simply does not know how to sit idly.
08. December 2024 governance
Jana Olak is the new Head of Institute of Dentistry
Hambaarstiteaduse instituudi nõukogu valis 4. novembril instituudi uueks juhiks kaasprofessor Jana Olaku.
06. December 2024 governance
Professor Külli Kingo is new Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
On 3 October, the faculties’ electoral bodies elected new deans for the University of Tartu. The new Dean of the Faculty of Medicine is Külli Kingo who will assume office on 1 January 2024.
05. October 2023 governance
New deans of the University of Tartu were elected
On 3 October, the faculties’ electoral bodies elected new deans for the University of Tartu. The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Anti Selart, the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences Margit Keller, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Külli Kingo, and the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology Leho Ainsaar will assume office on 1 January 2024.
03. October 2023 governance
Strategic Plan of the Faculty of Medicine 2022–2026
The strategic plan of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu ('university') proceeds from the university's strategic plan and is based on five development priorities.
18. September 2023 governance
The University of Tartu elected a new senate
On 17 May, the election commission confirmed the results of the senate elections. 
17. May 2023 governance
Faculty of Medicine nominated Professor Toomas Asser as rector candidate
Faculty of Medicine nominated Professor Toomas Asser as rector candidate.
16. February 2023 rector electionsgovernance
New composition of the University of Tartu council has been approved
The Government of Estonia approved the new composition of the council of the University of Tartu for five years.
31. December 2021 governance