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According to the universities’ reputation survey people of all age groups consider the University of Tartu to be Estonia’s most reputable higher education institution.
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The research news section gives regular hints about interesting studies in various fields of research.
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The receivers of the University of Tartu Asia Centre Scholarship were announced
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The results of the recently ended wave of the prevalence study led by the University of Tartu show that the number of people infected with coronavirus has been on the decline for a third month.
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University of Tartu researchers in cooperation with colleagues from the Principe Felice Research Center of Valencia have developed a new drug OximUNO, which has shown to treat breast cancer in mice.
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On Thursday, 16 June, at the Demo Day at the University of Tartu Delta Centre, the university's researchers will present to prospective partners and investors nearly 30 development ideas.
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The University of Tartu has risen in the newly published QS World University Rankings compared to last year and shares the 296th position.
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More than 300 Ukrainian citizens have applied for admission by now, and the number of Ukrainian students is expected to double by the autumn.
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The research news section gives regular hints about interesting studies in various fields of research.
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The University of Tartu confers four honorary doctorates.
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The University of Tartu offers students of Ukrainian citizenship who have already started medical studies in Ukraine the possibility to continue their studies at University of Tartu.
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Application is open for the scholarship for expatriate Estonian visiting professor.
  • #university
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The results of the prevalence study led by the University of Tartu show that the number of coronavirus infections has decreased considerably over a month, but the wave is not over yet.
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This year the university’s orienteering month is dedicated to the 220th anniversary of the University of Tartu Library.
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In 2022, the anniversary events of the Faculty of Medicine will take place on October 13th- 14th. We invite everybody to submit abstracts to the scientific conference no later than June 30th.
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Until October 2022, all UT members can take one free Coursera course. Students can also use it towards the completion of their curriculum if they wish.
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According to a recent study, two-month group physiotherapy helps significantly reduce difficulties in the daily functional tasks of patients with Parkinson
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On Wednesday, 27 April, a webinar on the Ukrainian language and culture took place on Worksup.
  • #for society
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The results of the recently completed stage of coronavirus prevalence study led by the University of Tartu show that although the epidemic is gradually receding, the prevalence of the coronavirus is
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​​​​​​​The UT has extended the application deadline for Ukrainian citizens until 1 June for all English-taught first and second-level programmes.
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