Ragnar Vutt

Medical faculties from Europe met in Tartu

Last week,  on 4.—6. of May, the members of the ECTS Medicine Association met to discuss of ways to improve the student exchange between European medical universities. This year, the meeting was organized by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu.

The presentations and workshops took place over the course of three days. Members of the association discussed about the specificities of student exchange in medical curricula, shared examples of best practices, and personal experiences in coordinating student exchange. According to Rene Kärner, Head of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Tartu had the great honor of organizing the meeting this year. "At the same time, it provided an excellent opportunity to strengthen ties with both current and future partners and highlight the high level of education at the University of Tartu," said Kärner.

In addition to teaching medicine, universities belonging to the association are united by the Erasmus+ program and European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Therefore, it is convenient for students to continue their university studies in a foreign country during the exchange year. The aim of this association is the optimization of the exchange of Medical Students within the E.U. using European Credit Transfer System.

ECTS Medicine Association was established in 2004. The association has 45 member universities from 26 different countries across Europe.

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