Andres Tennus

Rector candidates’ election platforms have been published 

On 27 March, the election platforms of rector candidates Professor Toomas Asser, Professor Raul Eamets and Professor Jaak Vilo were published on the university’s website.  

The rector elections page includes the CV and election platform of each candidate.    

The rector candidates’ public debate, moderated by the chair of the election commission Professor Raili Marling and a student of the Faculty of Medicine Renar Kihho, is held in the university assembly hall on 4 April at 15:00. Everyone is welcome. The debate can also be watched live at UTTV. Interpretation into English is provided. All members of the university family have the opportunity to submit their questions to the rector candidates via the online form.    

At the election meeting on 20 April, the rector will be elected for a five-year term by the electoral council, the list of which will be approved as at 3 April. Only the members of the electoral council will attend the meeting on 20 April: members of the university council, the senate, faculty councils and the student union, as well as professors whose workload at the university as a professor is at least 20 hours per week. Professors who, according to an agreement in force as on 3 April, are on unpaid leave on the day of the election are not included in the electoral council. Persons set up as candidates are not included in the electoral council either.     

Elections take place on site and by paper ballots only. The candidate who receives more than half of the votes of the electoral council is elected.      

Read more about rector elections on the university’s homepage.  

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Tartu Ülikooli rektor Toomas Asser

Toomas Asser was elected the rector of the University of Tartu

Tartu Ülikooli peahoone

RECORDING: Electoral council elects the rector of the University of Tartu

Peahoone kõnepult Foto Andrea Rotenberg

RECORDING: University of Tartu rector candidates’ debate in university assembly hall