Andres Tennus

Programme 2023

12 October


Lecture Hall 1006 of the Biomedicum (19 Ravila St, Tartu) and UTTV website

08.30–09.00  Gathering and morning coffee
09.00–09.15  Opening words (Ravila 19-1006)
09.15–11.00 Doctoral students' session (Ravila 19-1006)
11.00–11.30 Coffee break
11.30–13.15  Students' session (Ravila 19-1006)
13.15–13.45 Coffee break
13.45–15.30 Research fellows’, teachers’, residents’ session (Ravila 19-1006)
15.30–16.30 Oral poster presentations: the authors will stand next to their posters and answer to questions.


Most of the presentations are in Estonian, some are in English.

  • „best oral presentation of doctoral students' session“ (700 €)
  • „best oral presentation of students' session“ (700 €)
  • „best oral presentation of research fellows’, teachers’, residents’ session“ (700 €)
  • „best poster of doctoral students' session“ (500 €)
  • „best poster of students' session“ (500 €)
  • „best poster of research fellows’, teachers’, residents’ session“ (500 €)

*Awards will be given on 13 October at the awarding ceremony.


13 October


Future Medicine, Innovation and Sustainable Development“ 

Lecture Hall 1006 of the Biomedicum (19 Ravila St, Tartu) and UTTV website

9.30–10.00 Gathering and morning coffee
10.00–10.15 Opening words
10.15–11.00 Professor Mats Målqvist (Director of Swedesd - Sustainability Learning and Research Center in Uppsala University, Sweden) – „Health, Sustainability and Transformation – a New Narrative for Global Health“
11.00–11.20 Janika Kõrv (Institute of Clinical Medicine, UT) – „Insuldiravi Eestis: kuidas edasi?“
11.20–11.40 Mario Plaas (Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine, Laboratory Animal Centre, UT) – „Teada-tuntud diabeediravimite ja toidulisandite kasutamine harvikhaiguse Wolframi sündroomi raviks“
11.40–12.00 Veiko Vengerfeldt (Institute of Dentistry, UT) – „Tulevik hambaravis“
12.00–12.40 Coffee break
12.40–13.00 Tambet Teesalu (Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine, Department of Biomedicine, UT) – „Ravimite täppis-suunamine kullerpeptiidide abil: laborikatsetest kliiniliste uuringuteni“
13.00–13.20 Jana Lass (Institute of Pharmacy, UT) – „Ravimvorm kui rätsepaülikond – ravimite 3D-printimine apteegis“
13.20–13.40 Tiina Kahre (Institute of Clinical Medicine, Department of Clinical Genetics, UT) – „Onkogenoomika  – teadusest praktikasse“
13.40–14.00 Jarek Mäestu (Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy, Department of Exercise Biology, UT) – „Liikudes kestlikuma tervise poole“
14.00–14.20 Aime Keis (Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health, Department of Public Health, UT) – „Innovatsioon meditsiinis – terved haiged“
14.20-14.30 Ending the conference
15.15-16.00 Opening of Professor Konstantin Konik's memorial next to the University of Tartu library (Wilhelm Struve 1).

Dean’s reception, Estonian National Museum (Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu)

  • Giving of the honorary medals of the Faculty of Medicine
  • Giving the awards to outstanding speakers in the scientific conference
  • Giving of scholarships
  • Residents will receive graduation diplomas