UTMEC 2023: parallel sessions

May 24, 13:45–15:15
Parallel sessions 1

Nancy Weigle "Teaching in a fast-paced environment"

In this workshop we will review tips and strategies for teaching in busy clinical settings. Topics will include integration of the learners on teams, setting expectations, time management, and physician well-being.

Jonathan Fischer "Teaching communication skills at the bedside"

In this workshop we will introduce a map for facilitation in real time. We will describe the pedagogical rationale behind each step and demonstrate how this works in practice. The session will include discussion and potentially a chance to practice.

Ruth Kalda and Tatjana Meister "Motivational Interviewing: moving from Why to How"

Workshop in Estonian

Anu Sarv and Helen Reim "One-on-one teaching skills for medical education"

Workshop in Estonian

May 25, 13:00–14:30
Parallel sessions 2

Nancy Weigle "Motivational Interviewing for the medical educator"

This workshop will discuss ways to incorporate principles of motivational interviewing into both clinical and teaching practice. Participants will practice skills using role play during the session.

Jonathan Fischer "Teaching communication skills at the bedside"

In this workshop we will introduce a map for facilitation in real time. We will describe the pedagogical rationale behind each step and demonstrate how this works in practice. The session will include discussion and potentially a chance to practice.

Katie Hartlieb and Inga Karton "How to use standardized patients in communication training"

This workshop will demonstrate the use of standardized patients to improve medical student communication training. Exercise examples will focus on Motivational Interviewing skill building. Following demonstrations and discussion in English, participants will have the opportunity to practice in Estonian or English.

Julius Juurmaa "Structured practice and curriculum design" ** Workshop is held in Estonian.

Workshop in Estonian

May 25, 14:45–16:15
Parallel sessions 3

Nancy Weigle "Teaching in a fast-paced environment" In this workshop we will review tips and strategies for teaching in busy clinical settings. Topics will include integration of the learners on teams, setting expectations, time management, and physician well-being.

Jonathan Fischer "Facilitating teaching communication in small groups with role play"

For teachers who plan to conduct intense communication skills seminars. In this session we will demonstrate key features for delivering impactful teaching and explain the pedagogical rationale for each step. Some participants will play the parts of learners in this pragmatic session. Elements include small group startup to create a safe learning environment, introducing a map for small group facilitation (slightly different than at the bedside), navigating common learner stuck points and actor preparation.

Anneli Rätsep ja Ljudmilla Atškasov "Can communication be measured?"

Workshop in Estonian

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