Topic: for society

Doctoral defence: Hindrek Teder "Developing and introducing targeted and whole-genome sequencing based non-invasive prenatal testing in Estonia“
On 10 June at 13:00 Hindrek Teder will defend his doctoral thesis "Developing and introducing targeted and whole-genome sequencing based non-invasive prenatal testing in Estonia“.
01. April 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Jana Tuusov “Deaths caused by alcohol, psychotropic and other substances in Estonia: evidence based on forensic autopsies”
On June 14 at 14:00 Jana Tuusov will defend her doctoral thesis "Deaths caused by alcohol, psychotropic and other substances in Estonia: evidence based on forensic autopsies".
01. April 2022 researchfor society
RECORDING: webinar on Ukrainian language and culture
On Wednesday, 27 April, a webinar on the Ukrainian language and culture took place on Worksup.
28. March 2022 for society
Doctoral defence: Rasmus Pind “Quantification of internal training load and its use in different practical training applications”
On 4 May at 14:00 Rasmus Pind will defend his doctoral thesis “Quantification of internal training load and its use in different practical training applications”.
23. March 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Hanna Kalajas-Tilga “Trans-contextual model of motivation predicting change in physical activity among Estonian school students“
6. mail kell 14.00 kaitseb Hanna Kalajas-Tilga liikumis- ja sporditeaduste erialal doktoritööd.
22. March 2022 researchfor society
Alustab avatud veebiloengute sari, kus arutletakse, kuidas toetada jätkusuutliku linnaruumi kujundamist
10. märtsil algab avatud veebiloengute sari „Liikuvusanalüüs ja planeerimine inimmõõtmeliste linnade jaoks“, mida korraldab TÜ geograafia osakonna mobiilsusuuringute labor.
A list of information channels that provide reliable information
Researchers of the University of Tartu Institute of Social Sciences have compiled a list of information channels that provide reliable and up-to-date information during the war.      
01. March 2022 for society
Happy Independence Day!
Kaspar Koolmeister, Junior Research Fellow in Plant Biology at the University of Tartu, took a photo in honour of the 104th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia.
23. February 2022 for society