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University of Tartu is opening a master’s programme in Clinical Pharmacy.
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At the council meeting of the University of Tartu’s Centre for Sustainable Development on 13 December, the council appointed Professor of Environmental Health Hans Orru as the new Head of the Centre.
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On 8 December, in UT Library, the competition jury opened the sealed envelopes with names of the authors of the winning designs for an academic and research building on the Maarjamõisa field. From the ten entries submitted to the competition, the architectural solution “Sudoku” by Kauss Arhitektuur OÜ and Väli OÜ was announced as the winner.
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The general assembly of the Estonian Academy of Science selected Pärt Peterson, Professor of Molecular Immunology at the University of Tartu as a member of the academy in the field of biomedicine. 
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Adult learners are welcome to participate in micro-credential programmes starting in the spring semester and delivered in block mode or online form suitable for working people. Applications can be submitted until 21 January 2024.
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Imagining a future entirely different from today can be the most effective risk adaptation strategy. At the Scientific Advisory Board’s conference “Viirustega tulevikku” (“To the future with viruses”), a panel of top Estonian scientists and officials discussed what resources and decisions future pandemics require and what trends influence how Estonian society will cope with pandemics in the upcoming decades. The panel discussion “Pandemics in a future society” was moderated by Triin Vihalemm, Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Tartu.
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The University of Tartu will organise its alumni get-together with the slogan “Back to the university” on 18 May 2024. Early-bird tickets at special rates are available from 1 December.
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The University of Tartu found recognition in the “Heartfelt Euro Deed” competition for building the Delta Centre, which was elected among the top 30 projects. The construction of the Children’s Clinic of the Tartu University Hospital was the winner of the competition.
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The Fair Transition Fund’s consortium of Tallinn University of Technology and the University of Tartu will implement 22 research projects in Ida-Viru County over the next six years to support socioeconomic change in the region and meet the development needs of companies.
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The University of Tartu is inviting future international students to come student shadowing and live one day as a university student.
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Last week, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the world's first vaccine against the chikungunya virus – Ixchiq. The vaccine candidate has been designed and manufactured at the University of Tartu. The human clinical trials were conducted by the biotechnology company Valneva Austria GmbH.
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At the International Sport and Culture Association’s annual MOVE congress on 15–17 November, the Move Lab of the Institute of Sports Science and Physiotherapy, with its Schools in Motion programme, was selected as the winner in the health-promoting schools category.
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The richly illustrated book on the first one hundred years of the Estonian-language university in Tartu (“Eestikeelse Tartu ülikooli esimene aastasada”) will be presented in the White Hall of the University of Tartu Museum on 28 November.
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This autumn ended Tartu-Iceland research exchange programm. On October 14, a partner from the University of Iceland, Professor Thor Eysteinsson, visited Biomedicum.
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The competition for the scholarship established by the rectors of the University of Tartu, University of Latvia and Vilnius University has started again to promote the teaching and learning of the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian languages and cultures.
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On 16 October, the first cooperation seminar of Tallinn University of Technology and the University of Tartu’s consortium of the Just Transition Fund was held at the Virumaa College of the Tallinn University of Technology. The event brought together 22 research teams whose work will help develop technologies and monitor societal transition in the Ida-Viru region over the next six years.
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On 27 October, the University of Tartu senate decided to award the Johan Skytte medal to Margit Sutrop, member of the Riigikogu and Professor of Practical Philosophy at the University of Tartu. The highest award granted to university members, the University of Tartu Grand Medal, is given to two university researchers for services of particular value. Also, the recipients of the University of Tartu Star of Appreciation, Medal, Badge of Distinction and the decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu” have been selected.
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The university will use the survey to find out what kind of mobility Estonia's largest university brings about and what attitudes staff and students hold towards sustainable mobility.
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On Thursday, 26 October, a collaboration exercise will be organised in central Tartu, involving the Police and Border Guard Board, the Rescue Board, Tartu Ambulance, the city of Tartu and the University of Tartu. Part of the exercise will take place around the university’s buildings in the city centre.
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The University of Tartu and the Blood Centre of Tartu University Hospital invite university members to the Blood Donor Day in the Delta Centre on 2 November, from 11:00 to 15:00.
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