19. juunil kell 14.00 kaitseb Maarjaliis Paavo doktoritööd „Short-Wavelength and Near-Infrared Autofluorescence Imaging in Recessive Stargardt Disease, Choroideremia, PROM1-Macular Dystrophy and Ocular Albinism“.
On 14 June at 14:00 Sirje Sammul will defend her doctoral thesis “Prevalence and risk factors of arterial hypertension and cardiovascular mortality: 13-year longitudinal study among 35- and 55-year-old adults in Estonia and Sweden”.
The renewed virtual tour of the University of Tartu at virtualtour.ut.ee allows everyone to get acquainted with the university's teaching and research environment through 360-degree photos.
Taavi Vanaveski kaitseb doktoritööd „Modeling the quantitative nature of neuropsychiatric disorders in animal models: metabolic, behavioral and genetic profiles“
To commemorate the victims of the war, the university's Ukrainian community organises two peaceful events this Friday and Saturday, to which all university members are invited.
Rector Toomas Asser's speech at the ceremony dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia on 23 February 2023 at 12:00 in the assembly hall of the University of Tartu