Admission to Doctoral Studies

This page provides you with information about admission to the doctoral programme of Medicine and Sport. The Doctoral programme combines four specialities: Medicine, Pharmacy, Exercise and Sports Sciences, Neurosciences.

Learn more about the necessary documents and different stages of applying for doctoral studies.

Open calls

Starting from the 2022/2023 academic year in most cases the admitted doctoral student will work as junior research fellow at the university. In some cases, admission may be for a study place without a work contract. Details are specified under speciality admission information. Read more about status and funding of doctoral students.

Open calls Doctoral study vacancies

Admission requirements:

  • doctoral thesis project
  • admission interview

In the first stage of assessment, the doctoral thesis project will be assessed. In the second stage of assessment, there is an interview.

Both the doctoral thesis project and admission interview are assessed on a scale of 0 to 50 points, the minimum positive score is 35 points. Each components gives 50% of your overall score with a maximum overall score of 100 points. If you score at least 35 points out of 50 for the thesis proposal, you will be invited to attend an entrance interview.

Finding a prospective supervisor before applying for the programme is essential for a successful application. To find a supervisor, visit the institute´s website or contact the institute representative.

Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine

Institute of Clinical Medicine

Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health

Institute of Dentistry,

Institute of Pharmacy,

Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy,

The doctoral thesis project in Estonian or English and the curriculum vitae must be submitted with other entrance documents in the online application system.

The doctoral thesis project (up to 6 A4 pages) must consist of the following parts:

1. Information on the research topic and the applicant:

  • the topic of the thesis in Estonian and English (with up to three CERCS codes added)
  • the applicant’s name and contact details (job, address, contact phone, e-mail address)
  • name, position and consent (signature) of the supervisor if already agreed. In the event of several super visors, please state who the primary supervisor is and the secondary one(s).

2. Introduction, description of the research background and justification of the choice of the topic. This part describes the research topic and provides an overview of earlier research in this field. The introduction should also give reasons for the choice of the topic and explain the nature of the problem;

3. Research purpose, formulation of the problem or hypothesis. The hypothesis of the thesis or questions the thesis should provide answers to;

4. Description of the methodology. This part describes the methodology chosen – clinical, experimental or epidemiological research, research subjects, sampling, research capacity, data gathering methods, the validity and reliability of the methodology used, data analysis and ethical aspects of the topic. The description of the methodology should refer to the sources of the methods;

5. Expected results, their theoretical and/or practical importance in the context of the field of study;

6. Topics of three possible publications; and

7. Literary sources.

The project is assessed on a 50-point scale. For the result to be positive, 35 points must be earned. The assessment takes place by the doctoral admissions committee in the presence of the applicant. The assessment covers the research quality of the project (relevance, novelty, essential description of the topic) and its feasibility. The latter covers the applicant’s competency based on their earlier experience and professional development.

Candidates who have scored at least 35 points (out of 50) for their doctoral thesis project will be invited to the admission interview. During the interview, the applicant must be able to defend the main positions of the thesis project in a discussion with the admissions committee. The committee also interviews the applicant on wider issues of the field, to assess the knowledge of the whole field.

The entrance interview is used to assess the following:

  • ability to present the project and answer the questions of the admissions committee
  • ability to explain the relevance of the doctoral thesis topic, main research questions, expected results, the novelty and importance of the topic.
  • applicant’s knowledge in the field (including the knowledge of the main research areas in the field) and academic research experience
  • applicant’s personal background and motivation to receive a PhD (readiness to start PhD studies, the perspective of completing the study programme within the nominal study period and future plans).

The admission interview is assessed on a 50-point scale. For the result to be positive, 35 points must be earned.

Entrance interviews take place

Medicine and Pharmacy specialities on June 26 and 27, Ravila 19-1038 (individual times will be agreed with candidates)

Exercise and Sports Sciences on June 20, at 11.00 at Ujula 4-3026

Neurosciences speciality - TBA

See the 2024/2025 doctoral admission committee here.

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