Doktoritööd/Doctoral theses

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Here are all doctoral theses defended at University of Tartu at Faculty of Medicine. All theses are also on the Dspace home page.


Norman Ilves „Enneaegselt sündinud laste periventrikulaarse hemorraagilise infarkti ja ajaliselt sündinud laste periventrikulaarse venoosse infarkti riskitegurid ja tekkeaeg“

Edgar Lipping „Operatsioonijärgne antibakteriaalne ravi komplitseeritud apenditsiidi korral ja apendektoomia rasedatel“

Celia Tereza Pozo Ramos „Preparation and Assessment of Antimicrobial Electrospun Matrices for Prospective Applications in Wound Healing“

Fangling Xuan „Regulation of stress response in first episode schizophrenia by monocytes and microglia“

Karl Kuusik „Effects of remote ischaemic preconditioning on arterial stiffness, organ damage and metabolomic profile in patients with lower extremity artery disease“

Kelli Somelar-Duracz „The molecular and cellular mechanisms of brain plasticity impairing factors“

Marite Punapart „Effects of Valproate and Liraglutide in Rodent Models of Wolfram Syndrome: Emphasis on Transcriptomic Changes in the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System“

Aleksei Baburin „Breast cancer incidence, mortality and survival in Estonia in the context of health care system changes and screening“

Leho Rips „The influence of vitamin D on the physical performance of conscripts in the Estonian Defence Forces“

Marina Loid „Molecular and cellular determinants of healthy receptive and aged endometrium“

Ulvi Vaher „Epilepsy after ischemic perinatal stroke in term born children: neuroimaging predictors, clinical course and cognitive outcome“

Allan Tobi „Development of Smart Nanoparticles for Experimental Treatment of Cancer“

Kati Kärberg „Factors and markers predicting subclinical atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes“

Valeria Sidorenko „Novel anthracycline-loaded nanoparticles for precision cancer therapy“

Kadri Kõivumägi „Acute gastroenteritis hospitalizations in Estonia after implementation of universal mass vaccination against rotaviruses“

Ingrid Oit-Wiscombe „Genetic markers of enzymatics in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as a systemic disease and the effects of antioxidant peptides“

Jane Varul "Different stress coping strategies of 129Sv and C57/Bl6 mouse strains – evidence from behavioural, pharmacological, metabolomics and gene expression studies"

Maria Kaare "The involvement of NEGR1 and LSAMP in the psychiatric disorders are mediated through monoaminergic neurotransmission and changes in the systemic metabolism"

Khan Nguyen Viet "Chemical composition and bioactivity of extracts and constituents isolated from the medicinal plants in Vietnam and their nanotechnology-based delivery systems"

Getnet Midekessa "Towards understanding the colloidal stability and detection of extracellular vesicles"

Kristiina Sepp "Competency-based and person-centred community pharmacy practice – development and implementation in Estonia"

Linda Sõber "Impact of thyroid disease and surgery on patient’s quality of voice and swallowing"

Maria Piirsalu "Effects of inflammation and diet on the metabolic profile and selected genetic parameters of Bl6 and 129Sv mouse lines"

Taavi Vanaveski "Modelling the quantitative nature of neuropsychiatric disorders in animal models: metabolic, behavioural, and genetic profiles"

Anni Lepland "Precision targeting of tumour-associated macrophages in triple negative breast cancer"

Sirje Sammul "Prevalence and risk factors of arterial hypertension and cardiovascular mortality: 13-year longitudinal study among 35- and 55-year-old adults in Estonia and Sweden"

Maarjaliis Paavo "Short-wavelength and near-infrared autofluorescence imaging in recessive stargardt disease, choroideremia, PROM1-macular dystrophy and ocular albinism"

Kaspar Ratnik "Development of predictive multimarker test for preeclampsia in early and late pregnancy"

Kärt Simre "Development of coeliac disease in two populations with different environmental backgrounds"

Qurat Ul Ain Reshi "Characterization of the maternal reproductive tract and spermatozoa communication during periconception period via extracellular vesicles"

Stanislav Tjagur "Mycoplasma genitalium and other sexually transmitted infections causing urethritis – their prevalence, impact on male fertility parameters and prostate health"

Kadri Medijainen "Effects of disease-specific physiotherapy on functional performance in patients with mild-to-moderate Parkinson’s disease"

Lagle Lehes "The first study of voice and resonance related treatment outcomes of Estonian cleft palate children"

Marina Šunina "Flow cytometric analysis of T and B cell properties in healthy donors and subjects with vitiligo"

Liis Ilves "Metabolomic profiling of chronic inflammatory skin diseases"

Marit Salus "Effect of sprint interval training on body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, blood biochemical markers and bone health in adolescent boys with obesity"

Jaanus Suumann "Gastric biomarkers and their dynamics as a less invasive method to evaluate stomach health in bariatric surgery patients"

Ele Hanson "Clinical and biochemical markers for prediction and early diagnosis of pregnancy related complications"

Priit Pauklin "Hemodynamic and Biochemical Characteristics of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Anticoagulation of ≥65-year-old Patients with Atrial Fibrillation in Estonia"

Keiu Heinla "Effects of GLP-1 receptor agonists on pituitary and adrenal hormones"

Triinu Keskpaik "Quality indicators and non-ischemic myocardial injury in emergency medicine"

Ling Yan "Stress-associated immune mechanisms of schizophrenia: the importance of region-specific microglia-neurovascular interaction"

Laura Roht "Hereditary colorectal cancer syndromes in Estonia"

Hanna Kalajas-Tilga "Trans-contextual model of motivation predicting change in physical activity among Estonian school students"

Rasmus Pind "Quantification of internal training load and its use in different practical training applications"

Dmitri Valiulin "Effect of high-intensity priming added to common warmup on performance among endurance athletes"

Liis Preem "Design and characterization of antibacterial electrospun drug delivery systems for wound infections"

Keerthie Dissanayake "Preimplantation embryo-derived extracellular vesicles: potential as an embryo quality marker and their role during the embryo-maternal communication"

Laura Viidik "3D printing in pharmaceutics: a new avenue for fabricating therapeutic drug delivery systems"

Kasun Godakumara "Extracellular vesicle mediated embryo-maternal communication – A tool for evaluating functional competency of preimplantation embryos"

Hindrek Teder "Developing computational methods and workflows for targeted and whole-genome sequencing based non-invasive prenatal testing"

Jana Tuusov "Deaths caused by alcohol, psychotropic and other substances in Estonia: evidence based on forensic autopsies"

Akbar Zeb "The novel mechanisms of Parkin-dependent mitophagy"

Kasun Godakumara "Extracellular vesicle mediated embryo-maternal communication – a tool for evaluating functional competency of pre-implantation embryos"

Heigo Reima "Colorectal cancer care and outcomes – evaluation and possibilities for improvement in Estonia"

Dmitri Valiulin "Effect of high-intensity priming added to common warm-up on performance among endurance athletes"

Liisa Kuhi "A contribution of biomarker collagen type II neoepitope C2C in urine to the diagnosis and prognosis of knee osteoarthritis"

Janno Jürgenson "Effect of 12-week strength training and a competitive half-marathon run on arterial stiffness and blood biochemistry in well-trained male athletes"

Mati Arend "Effects of specific inspiratory muscle warm-up on maximal inspiratory pressure, rowing performance, and VO kinetics"

Aleksandr Bregin "Alterations of emotional behaviour induced by the genetic invalidation of the limbic system associated membrane protein (Lsamp) – potential implications for neuropsychiatric disorders"

Reeli Tamme "Associations between pubertal hormones and physical activity levels, and subsequent bone mineral characteristics: a longitudinal study of boys aged 12–18"

Mohammad Mehedi Hasan "Characterization of follicular fluid-derived extracellular vesicles and their contribution to periconception environment"

Priya Kulkarni "Osteoarthritis pathogenesis: an immunological passage through synovium-synovial fluid axis"

Nigul Ilves "Brain plasticity and network reorganization in children with perinatal stroke: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study"

Deniss Sõritsa "The impact of endometriosis and physical activity on female reproduction"

Marko Murruste "Short- and long-term outcomes of surgical management of chronic pancreatitis"

Marilin Ivask "Transcriptomic and metabolic changes in the WFS1-deficient mouse model"

Jüri Lieberg "Results of surgical treatment and role of biomarkers in pathogenesis and risk prediction in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm and peripheral artery disease"

Sanna Puusepp "Comparison of molecular genetics and morphological findings of childhood-onset neuromuscular disorders"


Jelena Lissitsina "Cytogenetic causes of male infertility"

Delia Lepik "Comparison of gunshot injuries caused from Tokarev, Makarov and Glock 19 pistols at different firing distances"

Ene-Renate Pähkla "Factors related to the efficiency of treatment of advanced periodontitis"

Maarja Krass "L-Arginine pathways and antidepressant action"

Taavi Lai "Population health measures to support evidence - based health policy in Estonia"

Tiit Salum "Similarity and difference of temperature -dependence of the brain sodium pump in normal, different neuropathological, and aberrant conditions and its possible reasons"

Tõnu Vooder "Molecular differences and similarities between histological subtypes of non-small cell lung cancer"

Jelena Štšepetova "Characterization of intestinal Lactic acid bacteria bacteriological, biochemical and molecular approaches"

Radko Avi "Natural polymorphisms and transmitted drug resistance in Estonian HIV-1 CRF06_cpx and its recombinant viruses"

Edward Laane "Multiparameter flow cytometry in haematological malignancies"

Iti Müürsepp "Sensorimotor and social functioning in children with developmental speech and language disorders"

Ege Johanson "Back extensor muscle fatigability and postural control in people with low back pain"

Evelin Lätt "Selected anthropometrical, physiological and biomechanical parameters as predictors of swimming performance in young swimmers"

Raul Rämson "Adaptation of selected blood biochemical stress and energy turnover markers to different training regimens in highly trained male rowers"

Triin Jagomägi "A study of genetic etiology of nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate"

Ivo Laidmäe "Fibrin glue of tish (Salmon Salar) origin: immunological study and development of new phramaceutical preparation"

Ülle Parm "Early mucosal colonisation and its role in prediction of invasive infection in neonates at risk of early onset sepsis"

Kaupo Teesalu "Autoantibodies against desmin and transglutaminase 2 in celiac disease: diagnostic and functional significance"

Maksim Zagura "Biochemical, functional and structural profiling of arterial damage in atherosclerosis"

Vivian Kont "Autoimmune Regulator: Characterization of Thymic Gene Regulation and Promoter Methylation"

Pirje Hütt "Functional properties, persistence, safety and efficacy of potential probiotic lactobacilli"

Kairit Joost "Selective screening of metabolic diseases in Estonia: the application of new diagnostic methods"

Innar Tõru "Serotonergic modulation of CCK-4-induced panic"

Sigrid Vorobjov "Drug use, related risk behaviour and harm reduction interventions utilization among injecting drug users in Estonia: implications for drug policy"

Martin Serg "Therapeutic aspects of haemodynamics, arterial stiffness, and oxidative stress in hypertension"

Jaanika Kumm "Molecular markers of articular tissues in early knee osteoarthritis: a population-based longitudinal study in middle-aged subjects"

Monika Jürgenson "A complex phenotype in mice with partial or complete deficiency of the NCAM protein"

Kertu Rünkorg "Functional changes of dopamine, endopioid and endocannabinoid systems in CCK2 receptor deficient mice"

Ene Reimann "Description of the cytokines and cutaneous neuroendocrine system in the development of vitiligo"

Helen Jõesaar "The effects of perceived peer motivational climate, autonomy support from coach, basic need satisfaction, and intrinsic motivation on persistence in sport"

Sille Vaiksaar "Effect of menstrual cycle phase and oral contraceptive use on selected performance parameters in female rowers"

Anna-Liisa Parm "Bone mineralization in rhythmic gymnasts before puberty: associations with selected anthropometrical, body compositional and hormonal parameters"

Jelena Sokk "Shoulder function in patients with frozen shoulder syndrome: the effect of conservative treatment and manipulation under general anaesthesia"

Mai Blöndal "Changes in the baseline characteristics, management and outcomes of acute myocardial infarction in Estonia"

Jana Lass "Epidemiological and clinical aspects of medicines use in children in Estonia"

Kai Truusalu "Probiotic lactobacilli in experimental persistent Salmonella infection"

Oksana Jagur "Temporomandibular joint radiographic changes in relation to pain, bone characteristics and results of arthroscopic treatment"

Katrin Sikk "Manganese-ephedrone įntoxicatįon pathogenesįs of neurological damage and clinįcal symptomatology"

Kai Blöndal "Tuberculosis in Estonia with special emphasis on drug-resistance: notification rate, disease recurrence and mortality"

Marju Puurand "Oxidative phosphorylation in different diseases of gastric mucosa"

Jürgen Innos "Behavioural,pharmacological and neurochemical characterisation of limbic system-associated membrane protein (LSAMP) deficient mice"

Merit Lamp "Genetic susceptibility factors in endometriosis"

Liis Sabre "Epidemiology of traumatic spinal cord injury in Estonia. Brain activation in the acute phase of traumatic spinal cord injury"

Aili Tagoma "Immune activation in female infertility: Significance of autoantibodies and inflammatory mediators"

Raido Paasma "Clinical study of methanol poisoning: handling large outbreaks, treatment with antidotes, and long-term outcomes"

Kuldar Kaljurand "Prevalence of exfoliation syndrome in Estonia and its clinical significance"

Maire Karelson "Vitiligo: clinical aspects, quality of life and the role of melanocortin system in pathogenesis"

Erik Salum "Beneficial effects of vitamin D and angiotensin II receptor blocker on arterial damage"

Kaili Anier "The role of DNA methylation in the development of cocaine-induced behavioural sensitisation"

Anne Kleinberg "Major depression in Estonia: prevalence, associated factors, and use of health services"

Triin Eglit "Obesity, impaired glucose regulation, metabolic syndrome and their associations with high-molecular-weight adiponectin levels"

Kristi Huik "The influence of host genetic factors on the susceptibility to HIV and HCV infections among intravenous drug users"

Irina Kerna "The contribution of ADAM12 and CILP genes to the development of knee osteoarthritis"

Liina Tserel "Epigenetic profiles of monocytes, monocyte-derived macrophages and dendritic cells"

Kristo Ausmees "Reproductive function in middle-aged males: Associations with prostate, lifestyle and couple infertility status"

Liivi Maddison "Tissue perfusion and metabolism during intra-abdominal hypertension"

Ingrid Liiv "Autoimmune regulator protein interaction with DNA-dependent protein kinase and its role in apoptosis"

Kai Muru "Prenatal screening strategies, long term outcome of children with marked changes in maternal screening tests and the most common syndromic heart anomalies in Estonia"

Krista Ress "Childhood coeliac disease in Estonia, prevalence in atopic dermatitis and immunological characterisation of coexistence"

Maarika Liik "Cognitive functioning, perceived cognition, subjective complaints and symptoms of depression in patients with epilepsy: Neuropsychological assessment and SPET brain imaging study"

Kaja Rahu "Morbidity and mortality among Baltic Chernobyl cleanup workers: a register-based cohort study"

Klari Noormets "The development of diabetes mellitus, fertility and energy metabolism disturbances in a Wfs1-deficient mouse model of Wolfram syndrome"

Liis Toome "Very low gestational age infants in Estonia Measuring outcomes and insights into prognostic factors"

Ceith Nikkolo "Impact of different mesh parameters on chronic pain and foreign body feeling after open inguinal hernia repair"

Vadim Brjalin "Chronic hepatitis C: predictors of treatment response in Estonian patients"

Helena Liiv "Anthropometry, body composition and aerobic capacity in elite DanceSport athletes compared with ballet and contemporary dancers"

Liina Remmel "Relationships between inflammatory markers, body composition, bone health and cardiorespiratory fitness in 10- to 11-year old overweight and normal weight boys"

Doris Vahtrik "Leg muscle function in relation to gait and standing balance following total knee arthroplasty in women"

Artūrs Ivuškāns "Bone mineral parameters in 11–13-year-old boys: associations with body composition and physical activity"

Antonio Cicchella "Relationships of multifunctional hormone leptin with anthropometry, aerobic capacity and physical activity in peripubertal boys"

Martin Mooses "Anthropometric and physiological determinants of running economy and performance from Estonian recreational to Kenyan national level distance runners"

Vahur Metsna "Anterior knee pain in patients following total knee arthroplasty: the prevalence, correlation with patellar cartilage impairment and aspects of patellofemoral congruence"

Marju Kase "Glioblastoma multiforme: possibilities to improve treatment efficacy"

Sten Ilmjärv "Estimating differential expression from multiple indicators"

Paula Reemann "The effects of microenvironment on skin cells"

Riina Runnel "Oral health among elementary school children and the effects of polyol candies on the prevention of dental caries"

Triin Laisk-Podar "Genetic variation as a modulator of susceptibility to female infertility and a source for potential biomarkers"

Anna Klugman "Functionality related characterization of pretreated wood lignin, cellulose and polyvinylpyrrolidone for pharmaceutical applications"

Andres Lust "Water mediated solid state transformations of a polymorphic drug - effect on pharmaceutical product performance"

Made Laanpere "Factors influencing women's sexual health and reproductive choices in Estonia"

Tanel Visnapuu "Pharmacological and behavioral characterization of the monoaminergic and GABA-ergic systems of Wfs1-deficient mice"

Mailis Tõnisson "Clinical picture and biochemical changes in blood in children with acute alcohol intoxication"

Kadri Tamme "High volume hemodiafiltration (HVHDF) in treatment of severe sepsis – impact on pharmacokinetics of antibiotics and inflammatory response"

Kai Part "Sexual health of young people in estonia in a social context: the role of school-based sexuality education and youth-friendly counseling service"

Urve Paaver "New perspectives for the amorphization and physical stabilization of poorly water-soluble drugs and understanding their dissolution behaviour"

Aleksandr Peet "Intrauterine and postnatal growth in children with HLA-conferred susceptibility to type 1 diabetes"

Piret Mitt "Healthcare-associated infections in Estonia - epidemiology and surveillance of bloodstream and surgical site infections"

Merli Saare "Molecular profiling of endometriotic lesions and endometria of endometriosis patients“

Eero Merilind "Primary health care performance: impact of payment and practice-based characteristics"

Kaja-Triin Laisaar "People living with HIV in Estonia: Engagement in medical care and methods of increasing adherence to antiretroviral therapy and safe sexual behavior"

Indrek Heinla "Behavioural and genetic comparison of B6 and 129Sv mouse lines focusing on the anxiety profile and the expression of Lsamp gene"

Jaanika Kärner "Cytokine-specific autoantibodies in AIRE deficiency"

Kaido Paapstel "Metabolomic profile of arterial stiffness and early biomarkers of renal damage in atherosclerosis"

Triin Rääsk "Subjectively and objectively measured physical activity and its relationship with overweight and obesity in adolescents boys"

Donvina Vaitkeviciute "Bone mineralization in boys during puberty: associations with body composition, physical activity and selected bone and adipose tissue biochemical markers"

Liidia Kiisk "Long-term nutritional study: anthropometrical and clinicolaboratory assessments in renal replacement therapy patients after intensive nutritional counselling"

Aleksei Rakitin "Metabolic effects of acute and chronic treatment with valproic acid in people with epilepsy"

Anne-Mari Anton Willmore "Silver nanoparticles for cancer research"

Bính Ho Duy "Osteogenesis imperfecta in Vietnam"

Eveli Kallas "The influence of immunological markers to susceptibility to HIV, HBV, and HCV infections among persons who inject drugs"

Evelyn Aaviksoo "Sickness absence in Estonia: determinants and influence of the sick-pay cut reform"

Georgi Nellis "The use of excipients in medicines administered to neonates in Europe"

Hiie Soeorg "Coagulase-negative staphylococci in gut of preterm neonates and in breast milk of their mothers"

Jaanika Kärner "Cytokine-specific autoantibodies in AIRE deficiency"

Kalev Nõupuu "Autosomal-recessive Stargardt disease: phenotypic heterogeneity and genotype-phenotype associations"

Kaido Paapstel "Metabolomic profile of arterial stiffness and early biomarkers of renal damage in atherosclerosis"

Kerli Mooses "Physical activity and sedentary time of 7-13 year-old Estonian students in different school day segments and compliance with physical activity recommendations"

Liina Haring "Cognitive functioning after first psychotic episode"

Mirja Palo "Design and development of personalized dosage forms by printing technology"

Živile Riispere "IgA Nephropathy study according to the Oxford Classification: IgA Nephropathy clinical-morphological correlations, disease progression and the effect of renoprotective therapy"

Tiina Freimann "Musculoskeletal pain among nurses: prevalence, risk factors, and intervention"

Mario Saare "The influence of AIRE on gene expression – studies of transcriptional regulatory mechanisms in cell culture systems"

Kaspar Tootsi "Cardiovascular and metabolomic profiling of osteoarthritis"

Mikk Jürisson "Health and economic impact of hip fracture in Estonia"

Sander Pajusalu "Genome-wide diagnostics of Mendelian disorders: from chromosomal microarrays to next-generation sequencing"

Alar Aab "Insights into molecular mechanisms of asthma and atopic dermatitis"

Ott Laius "Utilization of osteoporosis medicines, medication adherence and the trend in osteoporosis related hip fractures in Estonia"

Uku Haljasorg "Transcriptional mechanisms in thymic central tolerance"

Kerli Mooses "Physical activity and sedentary time of 7–13 year-old Estonian students in different school day segments and compliance with physical activity recommendations"

Piia Jõgi "Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of pertussis in Estonia"

Elle Põldoja "Structure and blood supply of the superior part of the shoulder joint capsule"

Minh Son Nguyen "Oral health status and prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in 65–74-year-olds in Vietnam"

Triin Tekko "Neurodevelopmental approach in the study of the function of Wfs1 and Lsamp, potential targets in the regulation of emotional behaviour"

Alina Altpere "Targeting of mechanisms of elevated anxiety in female Wfs1-deficient mice"

Eva Mengel "Longitudinal changes in bone mineral characteristics in boys with obesity and with different body mass index gain during pubertal maturation: associations with body composition and inflammatory biomarkers"

Kristian Semjonov "Development of pharmaceutical quench-cooled molten and melt-electrospun solid dispersions for poorly water-soluble indomethacin"

Veiko Vengerfeldt "Apical periodontitis: prevalence and etiopathogenetic aspects"

Martin Aedma "Assessment of the impact of selected dietary supplements on upper-body anaerobic power in wrestlers in simulated competition-day conditions"

Olga Tšuiko "Unravelling chromosomal instability in mammalian preimplantation embryos using single-cell genomics"

Rudolf Bichele "TNF superfamily and AIRE at the crossroads of thymic differentiation and host protection against Candida albicans infection"

Maarja Toots "Pharmacological challenge in rodent models of Wolfram syndrome with emphasis on diabetic phenotype"

Kärt Kriisa "Profile of acylcarnitines, inflammation and oxidative stress in first-episode psychosis before and after antipsychotic treatment"

Janne Tiigimäe-Saar "Botulinum neurotoxin type A treatment for sialorrhea in central nervous system diseases"

Xuan Dung Ho "Characterization of the genomic profile of osteosarcoma"

Karit Reinson "New Diagnostic Methods for Early Detection of Inborn Errors of Metabolism in Estonia"

Martin Aedma "Assessment of the impact of selected dietary supplements on upper-body anaerobic power in wrestlers in simulated competition-day

Henri Tilga "Effects of perceived autonomy-supportive and controlling behaviour from physical education teachers on students’ psychological needs and health-related quality of life"

Anni Rava "Associations between body composition, mobility and blood inflammatory biomarkers with physical activity in healthy older women"

Silva Suvi "Assessment of the impact of selected dietary supplements on endurance ability in high-temperature environments"

Mari-Anne Vals "Congenital N-glycosylation Disorders in Estonia"

Liis Kadastik-Eerme "Parkinson’s disease in Estonia: epidemiology, quality of life, clinical characteristics and pharmacotherapy"

Hedi Hunt "Precision targeting of intraperitoneal tumors with peptideguided nanocarriers"

Rando Porosk "The role of oxidative stress in Wolfram syndrome 1 and hypothermia"

Ene-Ly Jõgeda "The influence of coinfections and host genetic factor on the susceptibility to HIV infection among people who inject drugs"

Kristel Ehala-Aleksejev "The associations between body composition, obesity and obesity-related health and lifestyle conditions with male reproductive function"

Aigar Ottas "The metabolomic profiling of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and atherosclerosis"

Elmira Gurbanova "Specific characteristics of tuberculosis in low default, but high multidrug–resistance prison setting"

Van Thai Nguyeni "The first study of the treatment outcomes of patients with cleft lip and palate in Central Vietnam"

Maria Yakoreva "Imprinting Disorders in Estonia"

Kadri Rekker "The putative role of microRNAs in endometriosis pathogenesis and potential in diagnostics"

Ülle Võhma "Association between personality traits, clinical characteristics and pharmacological treatment response in panic disorder"

Aet Saar "Acute myocardial infarction in Estonia 2001–2014: towards risk-based prevention and management"

Toomas Toomsoo "Transcranial brain sonography in the Estonian cohort of Parkinson’s disease"

Lidiia Zhytnik "Inter- and intrafamilial diversity based on genotype and phenotype correlations of Osteogenesis Imperfecta"

Pilleriin Soodla "Newly HIV-infected people in Estonia: estimation of incidence and transmitted drug resistance"

Katyayani Singh "Neuropsychiatric endophenotypes – focusing on IgLON adhesion molecules in the mouse brain"

Kattri-Liis Eskla "Therapeutic strategies for ischemia reperfusion injury"

Kristiina Ojamaa "Epidemiology of gynecological cancer in Estonia"

Marianne Saard "Modern Cognitive and Social Intervention Techniques in Paediatric Neurorehabilitation for Children with Acquired Brain Injury"

Julia Maslovskaja "The importance of DNA binding and DNA breaks for AIRE-mediated transcriptional activation"

Natalia Lobanovskaya "The role of PSA-NCAM in the survival of retinal ganglion cells"

Madis Rahu "Structure and blood supply of the postero-superior part of the shoulder joint capsule with implementation of surgical treatment after anterior traumatic dislocation"

Helen Zirnask "Luteinizing hormone (LH) receptor expression in the penis and its possible role in pathogenesis of erectile disturbances"

Kadri Toome "Homing peptides for targeting of brain diseases"

Maarja Hallik "Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of inotropic drugs in neonates"

Raili Müller "Cardiometabolic risk profile and body composition in early rheumatoid arthritis"

Sergo Kasvandik "The role of proteomic changes in endometrial cells – from the perspective of fertility and endometriosis"

Epp Kaleviste "Genetic variants revealing the role of STAT1/STAT3 signaling cytokines in immune protection and pathology"

Sten Saar "Epidemiology of severe injuries in Estonia"

Kati Braschinsky "Epidemiology of primary headaches in Estonia and applicability of web-based solutions in headache epidemiology research"

Helen Vaher "MicroRNAs in the regulation of keratinocyte responses in psoriasis vulgaris and atopic dermatitis"

Liisi Raam "Molecular Alterations in the Pathogenesis of Two Chronic Dermatoses – Vitiligo and Psoriasis"

Artur Vetkas "Long-term quality of life, emotional health, and associated factors in patients after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage"

Teele Kasepalu "Effects of remote ischaemic preconditioning on organ damage and acylcarnitines’ metabolism in vascular surgery"

Prakash Lingasamy "Development of multitargeted tumor penetrating peptides"

Hardo Lilleväli "Hyperphenylalaninaemias and neurophysiological disorders associated with the condition"

Roman Balõtšev "Interaction between the immune and metabolic systems in different stages of schizophrenia spectrum disorders"

Mari Urb "DNA methylation in the predisposition, expression and abstinence of cocaine addiction"


Ruth Kalda "Structure and outcome of family practice quality in the changing health care system of Estonia"

Annika Krüüner "Mycobacterium tuberculosis - spread and drug resistance in Estonia"

Anneli Uusküla "Epidemiology of sexually transmitted diseases in Estonia in 1990 to 2000"

Marlit Veldi "Obstructive sleep apnoea: Computerized Endopharyngeal Myotonometry of the Soft Palate and Lingual Musculature"

Tamara Vorobjova "Immune response to Helicobacter pylori and its association with dynamics of chronic gastritis and epithelial cell turnover in antrum and corpus"

Heidi Annuk "Selection of medicinal plants and intestinal lactobacilli as antimicrobial components for functional foods"

Maigi Eisen "Pathogenesis of contact dermatitis: participation of oxidative stress. A clinical-biochemical study"

Piret Hussar "Histology of the post-traumatic bone repair in rats. Elaboration and use of a new standardized experimental model - bicortical perforation of tibia compared to internal fracture and resection osteotomy"

Ade Kallas "Characterization of antibodies to coagulation factor VIII"

Aet Lukmann "Early rehabilitation of patients with ischaemic heart disease after surgical revascularization of the myocardium: assessment of health-related quality of life, cardiopulmonary reserve and oxidative stress. A clinical study"

Tõnu Rätsep "Aneurysmal subarachnoidhaemorrhage: Noninvasive monitoring of cerebral haemodynamics"

Leila Oja "Physical development and school readiness of children in transition from preschool to school"

Helena Gapeyeva "Knee extensor muscle function after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy"

Marju Herodes "Quality of life of people with epilepsy in Estonia"

Ingrid Kalev "CC - chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) gene polymorphism in Estonians and in patients with type I and type II diabetes mellitus"

Kersti Klaamas "Humoral immune response to Helicobacter pylori: a study of host-dependent and microbial factors"

Helgi Kolk "Dyspepsia and Helicobacter pylori infection: The diagnostic value of symptoms, treatment and follow-up of patients referred for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy by family physicians"

Krista Lõivukene "Helicobacter pylori in gastric microbial ecology and its antimicrobial susceptibility pattern"

Katre Maasalu "Changes in bone quality due to age and genetic disorders and their clinical expressions in Estonia"

Kersti Oselin "Studies on the human MDR1, MRP1, and MRP2 ABC transporters: Functional relevance of the genetic polymorphisms in the MDR1 and MRP1 gene"

Margot Peetsalu "Long-term follow-up after vagatomy in duodenal ulcer disease: recurrent ulcer, changes in the function, morphology, and Helicobacter pylori colonisation of the gastric mucosa"

Leena Puksa "Late responses in motor nerve conductions studies. F and A waves in normal subjects and patients with neuropathies"

Toomas Sillakivi "Perforated peptic ulcer in Estonia: Epidemiology, risk factors and relations with Helicobacter pylori"

Helena Soomer "Validation of identification and age estimation methods in forensic odontology"

Jaan Soplepmann "Peptic ulcer haemorrhage in Estonia: epidemiology, prognostic factors, treatment and outcome"

Pille Taba "Epidemiology of Parkinson's disease in Estonia: Prevalence, incidence, clinical characteristics, and pharmacoepidemiology"

Alar Veraksit "Characterization of behavioural and biochemical phenotype of cholecystokinin-2 receptor deficient mice: changes in function of dopamine- and endopioidergic system"

Roomet Viira "Physical activity, ecological system model determinants and
physical self-perception profile in early adolescence"

Mari Järvelaid "Health damaging risk behaviours in adolescence"

Lumme Kadaja "Molecular approach to the regulation of mitochondrial function in oxidative muscle cells"

Priit Kaasik "Composition and turnover of myofibrillar proteins in volume – overtrained and glucocorticoid caused myopathic skeletal muscle"

Andres Kulla "Molecular characteristics of mesenchymal stroma in human astrocytic gliomas"

Tuuli Käämbre "Intracellular energetic unit: structural and functional aspects"

Aive Liigant "Epidemiology of primary central nervous system tumours in Estonia from 1986 to 1996. Clinical characteristics, incidence, survival and prognostic factors"

Eduard Maron "Serotonin function in panic disorder: from clinical experiments to brain imaging and genetics"

Jarek Mäestu "The perceived recovery-stress state and selected hormonal
markers of training stress in highly trained male rowers"

Ülle Pechter "Progression prevention strategies in chronic renal failure and hypertension. An experimental and clinical study"

Ando Pehme "Effect of mechanical loading and ageing on myosin heavy chain turnover rate in fast-twitch skeletal muscle"

Aune Rehema "Assessment of nonhaem ferrous iron and glutathione redox ratio as markers of pathogeneticity of oxidative stress in different clinical groups"

Evelin Seppet "Interaction of mitochondria and ATPases in oxidative muscle cells in normal and pathological conditions"

Gunnar Tasa "Polymorphic glutathione S-transferases - biology and role in modifying genetic susceptibility to senile cataract and primary open angle glaucoma"

Vitali Vassiljev "Influence of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors on the effects of ethanol after acute and chronic ethanol administration and withdrawal"

Marje Oona "Helicobacter pylori infection in children: epidemiological and therapeutic aspects"

Kersti Kokk "Regulation of active and passive molecular transport in the testis"

Vladimir Järv "Cross-sectional imaging for pretreatment evaluation and follow-up of pelvic malignant tumors"

Külli Kingo "The interleukin-10 family cytokines gene polymorphisms in plaque psoriasis"

Mati Merila "Anatomy and clinical relevance of the glenohumeral joint capsule and ligaments"

Piibe Muda "Hypertension and homocysteine: Associations between essential hypertension and homocysteine in treated and untreated hypertensive patients with and without coronary artery disease"

Andre Õun "Epidemiology of adult epilepsy in Tartu, Estonia: Incidence, prevalence and medical treatment"

Sirli Raud "Cholecystokinin2 receptor deficient mice: changes in function of gaba-ergic system"

Epp Songisepp "Evaluation of technological and functional properties of the new probiotic lactobacillus fermentum ME-3"

Tiia Ainla "Acute myocardial infraction in estonia: Clinical characteristics, management and outcome"

Tiia Tamme "Epidemiology of odontogenic tumors in Estonia. Pathogenesis and clinical behaviour of ameloblastoma"

Kati Koido "Singlenucleotide polymorphism profiling of 22 candidate genes in mood and anxiety disorders"

Andres Sell "Determing the minimum spinal local anaesthetic reqiurements for hip replacement surgery - a study employing spinal catheter"

Priit Kasenõmm "Indicators for tonsillectomy in adults with recurrent tonsillitis - clinical, microbiological and patomorphological investigations"

Triine Annus "Allergy in Estonian schoolchildren: time trends and characteristics of manifestations"

Tiia Voor "Microorganisms in infancy and development of allergy: comparison of Estonian and Swedish children"

Eva Usinaite "Hepatitis C virus: genotype identification and interactions between viral proteases"

Karin Alev "Difference between myosin light and heavy chain isoforms patterns in fast- and slow-twitch skeletal muscle: effect of endurance training"

Kristjan Kais "Precompetitive state anxiety, self-confidence and ahtletic performance in volleyball and basketball players"

Aire Leppik "Changes in anthropometry, somatotype and body composition
during puberty: a longitudinal study"

Džamilja Safiulina "The studies of mitochondria in cultured cerebellar granule neurons: characterization of mitochondrial function, volume homeostasis and interaction with neurosteroids"

Piret Kõll "Oral Lactoflora in Chronic Parodontitis and Periodontal helath"

Tiina Stelmach "Epidemiology of cerebral palsy and unfavourable neurodevelopmental outcome based on child population of Tartu city and county, in Estonia: prevalence, clinical features and risk factors"

Külli Jaako "Studies on the role of neurogenesis in brain plasticity"

Aare Märtson "Lower limb lengthening: studies on bone regeneration and long-term clinical results"

Katrin Pudersell "Tropane alcaloid production and riboflavine excretion in the field and tissue cultures of henbane (Hyoscyamus niger L.)"

Stanislav Liskmann "Peri-implant disease: pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment in view of both inflammation and oxidative stress profiling"

Heli Tähepõld "Patient consultation in family medicine"

Ruth Rudissaar "Nerupharmacology of atypical antipsychotics and an animal model of psychosis"

Helena Andreson "Diversity of Helicobacter pylori genotypes in Estonian patients with chronic inflammatory diseases"

Tarmo Areda "Behavioural and neurogenetic study of mechanisms related to cat odour induced anxiety in rodents"

Aleksei Nelovkov "Behavioural and neurogenetic study of molecular mechanisms involved in regulation of exploratory behaviour in rodents"

Katrin Pruus "Mechanism of action of antidepressants: aspects of serotoninergic system and its interaction with glutamate"

Priit Põder "Clinical and experimental investigation: Relationship of ischaemia/reperfusion injury with oxidative stress in abdominal aortic aneurysm repair and in extracranial brain artery endarterectomy and possibilities of protection against ischaemia using a glutathione analogue in a rat model of global brain ischaemia"

Jaan Ereline "Contractile properties of human skeletal muscles: Association with sports training, fatigue and posttetanic potentiation"

Andre Koka "The role of perceived teacher feedback and perceived learning environment on intrinsic motivation in physical education"

Priit Purge "Performance, mood state and selected hormonal parameters during the rowing season in elite male rowers"

Saima Kuu "Age-related contractile changes in plantarflexor muscles in women: associations with postactivation potentiation and recreational physical activity"

Raivo Puhke "Adaptive changes of myosin isoforms in response to longterm strength training in skeletal muscle of middle-aged persons"

Marika Tammaru "Patient-reported outcome measurement in rheumatoid arthritis"

Tiia Reimand "Down syndrome in Estonia"

Diva Eensoo "Risk-taking in traffic and markers of risk-taking behaviour in schoolchildren and car drivers"

Riina Vibo "The third stroke registry in Tartu, Estonia from 2001 to 2003: incidence, case-fatality, risk factors and long-term outcome"

Eve Õiglane-Slik "Angelman and Prader-Willi syndromes in Estonia"

Chris Pruunsild "Juvenile idiopathic arthritis in children in Estonia"

Kadri Haller "Antibodies to follicle stimulating hormone. Significance in female infertility"

Pille Ööpik "Management of depression in family medicine"

Priit Kampus"Impact of Inflammation, oxidative stress and age on arterial stiffness and carotid artery intima-media thickness"

Jaak Kals "Endothelial function and arterial stiffness in patients with atherosclerosis and in healthy subjects. A clinical and bichemical study"

Alar Toom "Heterotopic ossification after total hip arthroplasty: clinical and pathogenetic investigation"

Annika Vaarmann "The studies of cystatin B deficient mice: neurochemical and behavioural alterations in animal model of progressive myoclonus epilepsy of Uverricht-Lundborg type"

Juri Karjagin "The pharmacokinetics of metronidazole and meropenem in severe sepsis. A microdialysis study."

Lea Pehme "Epidemiology of tuberculosis in Estonia 1991-2003 with special regard to extrapulmonary tuberculosis and delay in diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis"

Margus Punab "Male fertility and its risk factors in Estonia"

Tarvo Rajasalu "Autoimmune diabetes: immunological study of type 1 diabetes in humans and in experimental diabetes (RIP-B7.1) mouse model"

Peeter Padrik "Renal cell carcinoma: changes in natural history and treatment of metastatic disease"

Inga Talvik "Inflicted traumatic brain injury/shaken baby syndrome in Estonia- epidemiology and outcome"

Inga Karu "Ischaemia-reperfusion injury of the heart during coronary surgery: a clinical study investigating the effect of hyperoxia"

Eva-Maria Riso "The effect of glucocorticoid myopathy, unloading and reloading on the skeletal muscle contractile apparatus and extracellular matrix"

Terje Sööt "Bone mineral values in young females with different physical activity patterns: association with body composition, leg strength and selected hormonal parameters"

Karin Tammik "Neuromuscular function in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy"

Neve Vendt "Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia in infants aged 9 to 12 months in Estonia"

Annika Reintam "Gastrointestinal failure in intensive care patients"

Paul Korrovits "Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis: prevalence, etiological factors, diagnostic tools"

Karin Kogermann "Understanding solid-state transformations during dehydration: new insights using vibrational spectroscopy and multivariate modeling"

Lenne-Triin Heidmets "The effects of neurotoxins on brain plasticity: focus on neural cell adhesion molecule"

Kristiina Roots " Cationic regulation of Na-pump in the normal, Alzheimer's and CCK2 receptor-deficient brain"

Urho Abramov "Sex and environmental factors for the behavioural studies in phenotype of mice lacking CCK2 receptors: implication for the behavioural studies in transgenic lines"

Meeli Saar "The relationships between anthropometry, physical activity and motor ability in 10–17-year-olds"

Triin Pomerants "Ghrelin concentration in boys at different pubertal stages: relationships with growth factors, bone mineral density and physical activity"

Tatjana Kums "Musculo-skeletal function in young gymnasts: association with training loads and low-back pain"

Helen Puusepp "The genetic causes of mental retardation in Estonia: fragile X syndrome and creatine transporter defect"

Kristiina Rull "Human chorionic gonadotropin beta genes and recurrent miscarriage: expression and variation study"

Margus Eimre "Organization of energy transfer and feedback regulation in oxidative muscle cells."

Hendrik Luuk "Distribution and behavioral effects of Wfs1 protein in the central nervous system."

Maire Link "Transcription factors FoxP3 and AIRE: autoantibody associations"

Kai Haldre "Sexual health and behavior of young women in Estonia."

Kaur Liivak "Classical form of congenital adrenal hyperplasma due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency in Estonia: incidence, genotype and phenotype with specialattention to short-term growth and 24-hour blood pressure"

Anne Must "Studies on molecular genetics of male completed suicide in Estonian population"

Kersti Ehrlich "Antioxidative glutathione analogues (UPF peptiides)- molecular design, structure-activity relationships and testing the protective properties"

Anneli Rätsep "Type 2 diabetes care in family medicine"

Kaido Kurrikoff "Involvement of cholecystokinin in chronic pain mechanisms and endogenous antinociception"

Silver Türk "Etiopathogenic aspects of chronic prostatitis: role of mycoplasmas, coryneform bacteria and oxidative stress"

Kaire Heilman "Risk markers for cardiovascular disease and low bone mineral density in children with type I diabetes"

Maret Pihu "The components of social-cognitive models of motivation in predicting physical activity behaviour among school students"

Peep Päll "Physical activity and motor skill development in children"

Kristi Rüütel "HIV-epidemic in Estonia: injecting drug use and quality of life of people living with HIV"

Milvi Visnapuu "Relationships of anthropometrical characteristics with basic and specific motor abilities in young handball players"

Triin Eller "Immune markers in major depression and in antidepressive treatment"

Siim Suutre "The role of TGF-ß isoforms and osteoprogenitor cells in the pathogenesis of heterotopic ossification. An experimental and clinical study of hip arthroplasty"

Kai Kliiman "Highly drug-resistant tuberculosis in Estonia: Risk factors and predictors of poor treatment outcome"

Inga Villa "Cardiovascular healt-related nutrition, physical activity and finess in Estonia"

Anu Aonurm-Helm "Depression-like phenotype and altered intracellular signalling in neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM)-deficient mice"

Tõnis Org "Molecular function of the first PHD finger domain of Autoimmune Regulator protein"

Tuuli Metsvaht "Optimal antibacterial therapy of neonates at risk of early onset sepsis"

Silva Sütt " Role of endocannabinoid system and Wfs1 in regulation of emotional behavior: behavioural, pharmacological and genetic studies"

Koit Reimand "Autoimmunity in reproductive failure: A study on associated autoantibodies and autoantigens"

Jaanus Kahu "Kidney transplantation: Studies on donor risk factors and mycophenolate mofetil"

Rael Laugesaar "Paediatric stroke in Estonia: epidemiology and risk factors"

Mart Kull "Impact of vitamin D and hypolactasia on bone mineral density: a population based study in Estonia"

Mari-Anne Philips "Characterization of Myg1 gene and protein: expression patterns, subcellular localization, gene deficient mouse and functional polymorphisms in human"

Mark Braschinsky "Epidemiology and quality of life issues of hereditary spastic paraplegia in Estonia and implemention of genetic analysis in everyday neurologic practice"

Kadri Suija "Major depression in family medicine: associated factors, recurrence and possible intervention"

Jarno Habicht "Health care utilisation in Estonia: socioeconomic determinants and financial burden of out-of-pocket payments"

Kristi Abram "The prevalence and risk factors of rosacea. Subjective disease perception of rosacea patients"

Malle Kuum "Mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum cation fluxes: novel roles in cellular physiology"

Rita Teek "The genetic causes of early onset hearing loss in Estonian children"

Daisy Volmer "The development of community pharmacy services in Estonia -public and professional perceptions 1993-2006"

Ranno Rätsep "Genetics of psoriasis and vitiligo, focus on IL10 family cytokines"

Rita Gruodytė "Relationships between bone parameters, jumping height and hormonal indices in adolescent female athletes"

Ragnar Viir "The effect of different body positions and of water immersion on the mechanical characteristics of passive skeletal muscle"


Heidi-Ingrid Maaroos

The natural course of gastric ulcer in connection with chronic gastritis and Helicobacter pylori.

Mihkel Zilmer

Na-pump in normal and tumorous brain tissues: Structural functional a. tumorigenesis aspects.

Marika Mikelsaar

Evaluation of the gastrointestinal microbial ecosystem in health and disease.

Ants Peetsalu

Vagotomy in duodenal ulcer disease: A study of gastric acidity, serum pepsinogen I, gastric mucosal histology and Helicobacter pylori.

Tiina Talvik

Hypoxic-ischaemic brain damage in neonates (clinical, biochemical and brain computed tomographical investigation).

Eero Vasar

Role of cholecystokinin receptors in the regulation of behaviour and in the action of haloperidol and diazepam.

Hele Everaus

Immuno-hormonal interactions in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and multiple myeloma.

Katrin Gross

Multiple sclerosis in South-Estonia (epidemiological and computed tomographical investigations).

Agu Tamm

On metabolic action of intestinal microflora: clinical aspects.

Ruth Mikelsaar

Etiological factors of diseases in genetically consulted children and newborn screening: dissertation for the commencement of the degree of doctor of medical sciences.

Rein Kolk

Atrial versus ventricular pacing in patients with sick sinus syndrome.

Toomas Podar

Incidence of childhood onset type 1 diabetes mellitus in Estonia.

Viiu Tuulik

The functional disorders of central nervous system of chemistry workers.

Oivi Uibo

Childhood coeliac disease in Estonia: occurrence, screening, diagnosis and clinical characterization.

Margus Viigimaa

Primary haemostasis, antiaggregative and anticoagulant treatment of acute myocardial infarction.

Aavo Lang

The role of dopamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, sigma and NMDA receptors in the action of antipsychotic drugs.

Irja Lutsar

Infections of the central nervous system in children (epidemiologic, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects, long term outcome).

Kiira Subi

The laboratory surveillance of the acute respiratory viral infections in Estonia.

Kristina Allikmets

Renin system activity in essential hypertension. Associations with atherothrombogenic cardiovascular risk factors and with the efficacy of calcium antagonist treatment.

Andrus Arak

Factors influencing the survival of patients after radical surgery for gastric cancer.

Tõnis Karki

Quantitative composition of the human lactoflora and method for its examination.

Toomas Kivastik

Mechanisms of drug addiction: focus on positive reinforcing properties of morphine.

Reet Mändar

Vaginal microflora during pregnancy and its transmission to newborn.

Triin Parik

Oxidative stress in essential hypertension: Associations with metabolic disturbances and the effects of calcium antagonist treatment.

Paavo Pokk

Stress due to sleep deprivation: focus on GABAA receptorchloride ionophore complex.

Lennart Raudsepp Physical activity, somatic characteristics, fitness and
motor skill development in prepubertal children.

Triin Remmel

Primary biliary cirrhosis in Estonia: epidemiology, clinical characterization and prognostication of the course of the disease.

Paul Naaber

Clostridium difficile infection and intestinal microbial ecology.

Rein Pähkla

Studies in pinoline pharmacology.

Svetlana Päi

Factors promoting heterogeneity of the course of rheumatoid arthritis.

Maarike Sallo

Studies on habitual physical activity and aerobic fitness in 4 to 10 years old children.

Joel Starkopf

Oxidative stress and ischaemia-reperfusion of the heart.

Andrus Juhan Voitk

Outpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Heli Grünberg

The cardiovascular risk of Estonian schoolchildren. A cross-sectional study of 9-, 12- and 15-year-old children.

Vello Hein Joint mobility in trunk forward flexion: methods and evaluation.

Kaja Julge

Humoral immune responses to allergens in early childhood.

Allen Kaasik

Thyroid hormone control over â-adrenergic signaling system in rat atria.

Leho Kõiv

Reaction of the sympatho-adrenal and hypothalamo-pituitaryadrenocortical system in the acute stage of head injury.

Janika Kõrv

Incidence, case-fatality and outcome of stroke.

Ülla Linnamägi

Changes in local cerebral blood flow and lipid peroxidation following lead exposure in experiment.

Vallo Matto

Pharmacological studies on anxiogenic and antiaggressive properties of antidepressants.

Oleg Milenin

Reconstruction of cervical part of esophagus by revascularised ileal autografts in dogs. A new complex multistage method.

Ave Minajeva

Sarcoplasmic reticulum function: comparison of atrial and ventricular myocardium.

Mai Ots

Characteristics of the progression of human and experimental glomerulopathies.

Sergei Pakriev

Prevalence of depression, harmful use of alcohol and alcohol dependence among rural population in Udmurtia.

Tiina Ristimäe

Heart rate variability in patients with coronary artery disease.

Epp Sepp

Formation of intestinal microbial ecosystem in children.

Maire Vasar

Allergic diseases and bronchial hyperreactivity in Estonian children in relation to environmental influences.

Bela Adojaan

Immune and genetic factors of childhood onset IDDM in Estonia. An epidemiological study.

Anneli Beilmann

Epidemiology of epilepsy in children and adolescents in Estonia. Prevalence, incidence, and clinical characteristics.

Pilvi Ilves

Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy in asphyxiated term infants. A prospective clinical, biochemical, ultrasonographical study.

Anti Kalda

Oxygen-glucose deprivation-induced neuronal death and its pharmacological prevention in cerebellar granule cells.

Ello-Rahel Karelson

Modulation of adenylate cyclase activity in the rat hippocampus by neuropeptide galanin and its chimeric analogs.

Helle Karro

Reproductive health and pregnancy outcome in Estonia: association with different factors.

Ants Kask

Behavioural studies on neuropeptide Y.

Kai Kisand

Autoantibodies against dehydrogenases of á-ketoacids.

Siiri Kõljalg

Acinetobacter - an important nosocomial pathogen.

Tanel Laisaar

Treatment of pleural empyema - special reference to intrapleural therapy with streptokinase and surgical treatment modalities.

Toomas Marandi

Drug treatment of depression in Estonia.

Eve Pihl

Cardiovascular risk factors in middle-aged former athletes.

Jakov Shlik

Psychophysiological effects of cholecystokinin in humans.

Heili Varendi

Behavioral effects observed in human newborns during exposure to naturally occurring odors.

Vallo Volke

Pharmacological and biochemical studies on nitric oxide in the regulation of behaviour.

Katrin Õunap

Phenylketonuria in Estonia: incidence, newborn screening, diagnosis, clinical characterization and genotype/phenotype correlation.

Kaire Innos Epidemiological resources in Estonia: Data sources, their quality and the feasibility of cohort studies

Jana Kivastik Lung Function in Estonian Schoolchildren: Relationship with Anthtopometric Indices and Respiratory Symptoms, Reference values for Dynamic Respirometry

Karin Kull Inflammatory bowel disease: an immunogenetic study

Eve-Irene Lepist Oral peptide prodrugs � studies on stability and absorption

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