Jüri Reimandi loeng: „Integrative analyses of cancer multi-omics data for functional and translational insights“

Toronto Ülikooli kaasprofessor Jüri Reimand annab 13. septembril Biomeedikumis loengu „Integrative analyses of cancer multi-omics data for functional and translational insights“.

Ingliskeelne kokkuvõte:

Cancer is a genetic disease that is often caused by somatic mutations and genomic rearrangements that accumulate over the patient's lifetime. Each cancer genome contains a few driver mutations that alter critical genes and unlock pathways of oncogenesis or tumor progression. In contrast, numerous passenger mutations are likely functionally neutral however these represent a footprint of the cancer's life history and exposures over time. We can learn about cancer mutations by integrating whole-genome sequencing and other omics datasets from large collections of cancer samples using statistical and machine learning methods. I will discuss our recent research on the etiology of drivers and passengers, analyses of the non-coding genome, driver interactions with the immune system and correlations with disease progression and patient prognosis.

Jüri Reimand on Toronto Ülikooli Ontario instituudi vähiuuringute kaasprofessor.

Loeng toimub 13. septembril Biomeedikumis (Ravila 19-1006) kella 10.15–12.00. Loengut saab jälgida ka Teamsis.

Jüri Reimand
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